Zoom sur la conteneurisation et Docker | 14 mars
Le DevOps vous intéresse ? Alors, la maîtrise des conteneurs est essentielle pour votre réussite ! Mais pourquoi Docker et comment a-t-il révolutionné l’orchestration des conteneurs ?
Zoom sur les machines virtuelles | 7 Mars
Mais qu’est-ce qu’une machine virtuelle exactement ? Pourquoi est-elle si incroyablement puissante ? Et comment pouvez-vous en tirer parti ?
How to Scale Up your Cloud?
Cloud technology quickly rose to popularity owing to a few amazing features that revolutionized how businesses operate and deliver solutions. Scalability is one of the important features that drove this adoption. Scalability is the ability of the cloud to increase or decrease IT resources to meet changing demands.
A Step by Step guide: 10 Key steps to build a private hosted cloud
Building a private cloud is not a quick job nor related to just IT. Right from defining your cloud requirements and setting up goals to implementing the right strategy and documenting everything, the entire process requires a scientific approach and involvement of the entire business organization.
5 Mistakes CTOs in Africa should avoid when adopting private clouds
Onboarding a cloud journey is slowly becoming in priority, including in Africa. Here we talk about the 5 biggest mistakes to avoid when starting off with a private cloud. And how ahomé Cloud can help you counter mistakes and take on a fruitful path from the start.
6 Good reasons why CTOs in Africa should consider their own private hosted cloud
The ISP market in Africa is highly competitive across most of the countries on the continent. And African telecoms need to look for alternative revenue streams to stay in the competition and gain new market share.